30 sept 2009

Prayer of Faith – Insights from God’s Word by Dr.Sammy D.James

Prayer of Faith – Insights from God’s Word
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged because of the king of Assyria and the vast army with him, for there is a greater power with us than with him. With him is only the arm of flesh, but with us is the Lord our God to help us and to fight our battles. - 2 Chronicles 32:7–8

Prayer of Faith – Stepping Out
Prayer: Sweet Jesus, I praise Your name and I shout out with joy for Your presence in my life, and for the anointing power of Your Holy Spirit which is helping me to go deeper in Your truths and soar higher in Your power. I turn my eyes to the heavens anticipating new wisdom and deeper insights into Your sacred truths.

I praise You that more and more each day, I am becoming more confident about who I am in You -- and I praise You that the kingdom You are establishing right now on this earth cannot be shaken. My heart is flooded with joy knowing that Your surrendered ones are being used in mighty ways right now, and that Your strength and power is being made available to each and every one of them.

My prayer today begins with a cry asking You to release from bondage those Christians who are leading defeated lives. I ask You to release them from their own tunnel vision that prevents them from seeing beyond their own individual circumstances. I pray, Jesus, that with every ounce of faith they have, they will come to understand who they are in You, and begin to exert their authority over the dark places that hold them captive in the night.

Feed them, I cry, with manna from heaven that fills their hunger and sustains them on their journey to the river of life where their thirst will be filled. Feed them with Your truths so they can grow stronger and be hope-filled. Fill them with hearts of praise for what You have already done for them, so they can join the chorus of praise now being lifted up.In Jesus name

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