25 sept 2009

Realize That Dream of Wealth by Dr:Sammy D.James

We all want to have enough money to keep us comfortable and happy in life. The concept of “enough” is very subjective ~ for some it is the amount needed to cover monthly expenses while for others it is defined as being wealthy and having tons of money. We all have the potential of realizing our own definition of wealth. All it takes is a change in thinking and spending habits to see that dream become reality.
How you think and what you do with your money go hand in hand. It is important to think about money in a more organic way if you want to attain personal wealth. You must view your money as something to be saved, not spent. The concept of being “thrifty” has been lost over the generations, but in the long run is key to attaining wealth.
When looking at money and saving, small is good. Set a little bit of money aside on a regular basis to save or invest. This should not take away from your comfort levels and over time will grow. Over the years, a little here and there will greatly contribute to your personal wealth.
Making a few sacrifices now leads to financial freedom later. Most of us never give any thought to that $20 spent here or that $40 spent there. We have become a nation of spenders. However, these expenditures are a major reason people cannot get ahead. Most people who become wealthy have done so because they earn their money and have saved it. They have chosen to give up the purchases of luxury items and instead are buying their financial freedom.
You must be responsible for your own financial placement in life. No one will move you to that next level. Blame will not change where you are now, but making different choices today can change where you will be tomorrow.
Try thinking “stock” next time you want to buy that new product on the market. Chances are, the item you desire now will not be used in 10 years, but the stock in the company will still be growing. It can be a better use of your money.
If your goal is to realize personal wealth, you can make it happen by changing your current ways of thinking about money. All it takes is time, saving, some learning and more saving to achieve your desired level of wealth and the financial freedom that comes with it.Your mind is more powerful than you could ever dream of. The mind is your canvas and your thoughts are the paint brush to your reality. The most important thing you need to do to get yourself on the right path, is to get your mind right and trained. How do you manifest abundance and prosperity? One reason this question gets asked is that we were recently taught that we can poof these things out with the power of our mind if only we have the secret information necessary to do so. But there is more to it.

Dr Sammy D.James

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