22 sept 2009

What Makes a Good Leader by Dr.Sammy D.James

What Makes a Good Leader | Three ideas to improve your level of influence.
There are three main things that make a good leader. The first is that a leader must practice what he preaches. The second is that he has to look after and protect those around him. The third is that he must be able to develop other good leaders. I will go into more detail about how to implement all three of these characteristics, so that you too can become a good leader.A Good Leader Practices What He Preaches

A good leader is excellent at practicing what he preaches. I love the quote that states, "Your actions speak so loud that I can't hear what you are saying." The greatest leader of all time was Jesus Christ and he was the best at practicing what he preached. This goes back to the old proverb that says, "Live by the sword, die by the sword." This is the same with leadership and how much a leader abides by what he says. As a good leader, how can you expect people do what you say, when you don't even do what you say?
A Good Leader Develops Other Leaders

A good leader develops other good leaders. This can only be attained once a person has first become a good leader. How can you expect to develop other good leaders, if you are not one first? Most of this just boils down to taking the time to spend time with the leaders that you want to develop and cultivate. By being a good mentor, you can teach and coach them through their trials and tribulations as a young and developing leader. Sometimes just being there to help them get back up after they have fallen is all you have to do. One of the best ways that you can invest time, is by investing it in the relationships of others around you.
A Good Leader Looks After Those he Wants to Lead

A good leader looks after those he wants to lead. He does this by always doing what he can to protect them from harm, criticism, or blame from other people. People want security, that's why they buy SUVs, put money in their 401k, and stay at the same dead end job for years. It's integrated into our nervous system that we want to feel secure. When you have a team of people that you are leading, it can be very powerful when they know that you are on their side, and that you will do whatever you can to make sure that you protect them from harm of other outside forces. A big part of being a good leader is knowing how to take the blame when things go wrong, and how to give away credit when things go well. A good leader knows that when things go bad or wrong, it's his responsibility to take the blame, even if it was not his fault. And when things go well, a good leader knows that it's his responsibility to make sure that he gives the credit to the deserving person who did the great work. Hence, making that person look very good.
The making of a good leader is extremely broad, so I hope that I've narrowed it down into three simple strategies for you. If you practice what you preach, look after the others around you, and invest time to develop other good leaders, I believe that you will be well on your way to making yourself a good leader.

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