30 sept 2009

Dr.Sammy D.james

PLEASE HELP US.Thanks for visiting this blog. Please be sure to visit the pages below and make sure to read about why we need help and how YOU can help!!
Links To Other Pages On This blog.Humans Have A Strong Desire To Help Each Other, But Is Spite Also Part Of The Human Condition?It is the heart, not the head that rules in the world.
ways to help bear burdens:Exhortation –Sometimes we all need wise, Godly counsel and advice. Some of our problems arise from situations in which we have to make a choice between right and wrong or between what is good and what is best. Maybe we need to have someone “talk some sense into us,” provide a clear and unbiased perspective for us, or “urgently appeal” to us to do the right thing.
Understanding Sometimes we need someone to simply understand and care about what we are going through. We may not want or need advice, judgment, or solutions on how to “fix” our problem. We might just need someone to listen, care, and know what we are dealing with. This can make an enormous difference when we are going through a storm.

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